By solomon on February 19, 2025

take my word for it.
there is a loose thread in the fabric of reality
it becomes exposed when you study the mind for a long time
and you start to find it's like a hall of mirrors
a prism with infinite facets refracting the light endlessly
you start to tug on that thread
driven by curiosity
a desire to know the deeper mysteries of existence
since perception of existence is half of existence
experience of existence
arguable that it might be all of existence
point being
before I get too lost down the rabbit hole
you start to pull on the thread of knowledge that is
understanding the ever-evolving mind
and everything else becomes unraveled too
because for a human being
with a human level of understanding
perception is at the very center of it
and to understand perception requires perceiving perception
and to perceive perception requires stepping outside of perception
which creates a new perspective to perceive from
which means the edge of perception has expanded
and could do so indefinitely
and either it's a glitch or loophole in an imperfect cognitive structure
or it's a clue about the nature of consciousness itself
and by extension the universe
and because it is possible
it must be natural
and because it is natural
it is a piece of the puzzle
that can't be dismissed or ignored
without creating a biased understanding
of reality
so I've chosen
although in some ways it feels like no choice at all
to explore this realm of understanding
charting the pathways and patterns of my mind
and soul
and learning the distinction between them
which more and more turns from a clear line
into a big vague blurry area
but every observation I make
every secret I expose
cannot be proven
and is difficult to even put into words
because it exists in the language of pure experience
I know my mind and my soul
because I have felt them
but to describe a feeling
might as well be describing a color
without using any other color as reference
words are thrown out but only serve
to color in the edges
of something with complexity and texture
that is much more than just a shape
so I just sound crazy
and I feel crazy
and I get very defensive about it
because I'm sad that no one will ever really know what I'm talking about
and I might have done all this internal research
and have nothing to show for it
at least nothing to show anyone else
I hope I don't get to the end of my life without meeting someone
someone who gets it
but in case I never do
I'm just gonna have to trust in my gut
and know that even though everyone else may think me a coward, an idiot, or a lunatic
I will have felt something they will never know
and I will know that something is true
it is real
and I need that to be enough