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The Bright Insight Blog
Needs & Values

Reuven Kotleras
Dec 28, 20244 min read
The Call of Orion: A Dream Interpretation
As I surveyed the room, I realized it would need renovation—not just in the physical sense, but as a reflection of my own evolution.

Dr. Patty Gently
Nov 7, 20242 min read
Election (Result) Stress? You're Not Alone.
I am nauseatingly sad. The weight of uncertainty feels like a constant, unwelcome presence.

Dr. Patty Gently
Nov 4, 20247 min read
What is Radical Acceptance?
Those who know me well enough know that my favorite word is AND. Yes... AND.

Miranda Merrell
Nov 4, 20246 min read
Grief: Unsolicited Advice for the Grieving Parent (You’re Doing So Much Right)
Grief isn’t just “missing” someone. It’s not a single feeling you can process and put away. It finds its way into every corner of your mind

Miranda Merrell
Oct 30, 20246 min read
Parenting Language Ideas for Gifted & 2e Kids: Making Communication Playful and Effective
Every kid is different, and these ideas are easily adaptable, test-out-able, keepable, ditch-able, work wonders for a small time-able...

Dr. Patty Gently
Oct 15, 20245 min read
The Intensive Soul of Money: Learning Lessons that Add Value Beyond Bucks
growth and recovery become acts of self-care, where individuals can heal without feeling pressured to meet external expectations

Miranda Merrell
Oct 15, 20242 min read
The Golden Rule Applies to Me!?
“Treat others the way you want to be treated," never quite worked for me because the way I want to be treated is so different...

Youssef Sleiman
Apr 2, 20248 min read
Gifted Needs and Tabletop Roleplaying Games: The Hows and Whys from a Neurodivergent Dungeon Master
Figuring my own gifted needs has taken dozens and dozens of Perception checks, Wisdom saving throws and Investigation rolls.

Bob Yamtich
Dec 22, 20232 min read
Fostering Secure and Fulfilled Needs
By Bob Yamtich on December 22, 2023 Guest blogger Bob Yamtich has been practicing Nonviolent Communication for twenty years, and he...

Dr. Patty Gently
Jul 7, 20234 min read
Identity Flow Like H2O
By Dr. Patty Williams on July 7, 2023 BISN founder and president Dr. Patty Williams is a trauma therapist who specializes in EMDR,...

Dr. Patty Gently
Aug 25, 20182 min read
Goodness of Fit
By Dr. Patty Williams on August 25, 2018 BISN founder and president Dr. Patty Williams is a trauma therapist who specializes in EMDR,...
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