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The Bright Insight Blog
Blogs by Dr. Patty!

Dr. Patty Gently
Feb 43 min read
Just One (White) Voice: Elevating Black History Month, 2025 and Always
We are always looking for BIPOC voices to contribute to our blog! If you are interested, please email me at

Dr. Patty Gently
Jan 35 min read
Exploring Narcissism and “Cluster B Shaming" Through a Lens of Attachment Trauma and the Rapid Resolution of Cognitive Dissonance
this is a call to reflection and compassion, aiming to foster healing for all

Dr. Patty Gently
Dec 20, 20242 min read
Bloomers Gifted and 2e Adults: How It Came to Be
Recently, I posed the question: why are we called Bloomers? The responses were as varied as they were delightful

Dr. Patty Gently
Dec 3, 202410 min read
Decoding Dysautonomia: A Symphony of DYSregulation in the Body
Each system in the body’s orchestra plays a critical role, and even when the conductor falters, balance and harmony can still be pursued.

Dr. Patty Gently
Dec 1, 20247 min read
Navigating Growth: A Roadmap for Dąbrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration
This analogy of a vehicle, a path, an engine, and fuel offers a relatable way to understand Dąbrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintigration

Dr. Patty Gently
Nov 27, 20248 min read
Expanding Developmental Horizons: The Crucial Role of Imaginational Overexcitability
If you’ve ever felt like you experience the world much “more” than others, you are not alone, you are needed.

Dr. Patty Gently
Nov 7, 20242 min read
Election (Result) Stress? You're Not Alone.
I am nauseatingly sad. The weight of uncertainty feels like a constant, unwelcome presence.

Dr. Patty Gently
Nov 4, 20247 min read
What is Radical Acceptance?
Those who know me well enough know that my favorite word is AND. Yes... AND.

Dr. Patty Gently
Oct 25, 20249 min read
The Default Mode Network and Neurodiversity
The Default Mode Network (DMN) functions like the mind’s backstage, where reflections, memories, and internal dialogues come to life

Dr. Patty Gently
Oct 17, 202410 min read
Is Human Intuition Emotionally Aware?
While intuition is a natural cognitive process, it doesn't always flow easily.

Dr. Patty Gently
Oct 15, 20245 min read
The Intensive Soul of Money: Learning Lessons that Add Value Beyond Bucks
growth and recovery become acts of self-care, where individuals can heal without feeling pressured to meet external expectations

Dr. Patty Gently
Oct 1, 20248 min read
Giftedness and High IQ: What We Need to Know (and Understand)
There is undoubtedly an overlap between giftedness and high IQ.

Dr. Patty Gently
Sep 26, 20242 min read
On Movement: A Becoming
The one to break the silence, to stir the stillness, to craft new life from the bones of the past.

Dr. Patty Gently
Aug 28, 20248 min read
Giftedness and Magical Thinking: How Magical Is It?
How many of us gifted pattern-finders and meaning-makers have been accused of magical thinking or something similar such as apophenia?

Dr. Patty Gently
Aug 13, 20244 min read
Complex Trauma, cPTSD, and Gifted Neurodivergence
And gosh, I could say that giftedness intensifies the complexity of the already complex.

Dr. Patty Gently
Aug 4, 20245 min read
Neuro-Authenticity, Neuro-Identities, and the Neuro-Industry? A Response to an Unscientific Attack on the Neurodiversity Movement
And since I readily used the word "nincompoopery" which the Google corrected the spelling of, you might already guess at my stance.

Dr. Patty Gently
Jun 23, 20244 min read
Is Giftedness a Neurodivergence?
So, from head-to-toe, a gifted person is different in a variety of ways, and certainly in how their neurology compares to neurotypical peers

Dr. Patty Gently
Mar 15, 20245 min read
PDA: Persistent (&or Pervasive) Drive for Autonomy
...allowing the experiment, allowing the acceptance, allowing the difference, and holding it all with curiosity and compassion.

Dr. Patty Gently
Feb 13, 20244 min read
Twice-Exceptional (2e) Means What???
Well, the concept of twice-exceptionality dates back to the 1970s when 2e students and individuals were recognized as “gifted handicapped”

Dr. Patty Gently
Jan 31, 20247 min read
What is Trauma?
Trauma, a powerful and far-reaching force, casts a profound shadow over the human experience.
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